(Works great with Foot Washing Ritual)
On behalf of BRIDE and GROOM, I welcome you and thank you for coming to share in this beautiful and joy-filled day! I not believe that it was by chance that one of Jesus’ first miracles was performed at a Wedding! To Jesus, a wedding symbolized a lot more than just a religious ceremony; It was a picture of life – of old things becoming new, of separate things becoming one – it symbolized what Jesus was all about.
When I read this story of Jesus, I see this interesting interaction take place. You see, Jesus’ agenda at this wedding wasn’t to “fix the people.” He didn’t lecture the wedding party or preach to the guests. Jesus’ agenda was simple – He wanted to “be with the people and celebrate.”
Too often we give off the idea that marriage is like an extended therapy session where one person either heroically vows to repair the other’s brokenness or just simply settles to put up with their faults. That’s a fraudulent version of what Jesus intends for us.
The Bible actually tells us that we are the bride and Jesus is the bride-groom. If that’s true, then this marriage thing is a lot less like a counseling session and a lot more like a road trip with your best friend. To me and my husband – the driving is as much a part of the adventure as the destination is (partly because he gets lost 90% of the time).
In marriage – the destination and goal is being together on the journey.
It’s about two broken people coming together not to fix one another, but to be present with and committed to one another while Jesus does the fixing.
We are gathered here today to celebrate two best friends embarking on a life-long road trip together. A beautiful adventure that only gets better…
Who gives BRIDE to be married to GROOM?
Prayer prayer inserted here
(BRIDE and GROOM turn to face each other.)
You may now be seated.
Biblical Charge
The Bible paints a vivid picture of your roles as husband and wife. You have the opportunity and responsibility of mirroring and modeling Jesus to one another in this relationship.
GROOM, the Bible says the husband is the head of the wife just as Jesus is the head of the Church, His body. You are to lead your bride in the way that Jesus leads you. GROOM, this position implies authority – but not the type of authority that demands and pulls but rather the authority that serves and guides. Your position as the head is only as effective as your alignment with Jesus. Your call is to operate as the head – being the one who leads, who protects, who provides, who repents, who initiates and who gives direction in all things. It is also clear that Jesus loved the Church by giving up Himself for Her: GROOM – You are to constantly give up your rights and wants to better serve and love BRIDE. Day by day you are charged to reflect the love of Jesus by making small, moment by moment sacrifices. Your position as the head is best exercised when you put the needs of BRIDE before yours and give up the things you imagine you deserve to better serve and love BRIDE.
BRIDE, the Bible also says that the wife is to submit to her husband just as the church submits to Jesus. God has placed GROOM as your covering to love and lead you. BRIDE, just as we, the Church, gladly submit to Jesus in His direction, provision and care; so you are called to willingly submit to GROOM as he seeks to serve and love you. Your submission is not a blind following but a sincere trust and bending of your will to His leading. It is the ongoing position of surrendering your desire to take control and humbling yourself out of your love for Jesus. Just as God calls the husband to love, so He also calls the wife to respect. BRIDE, just as you are built up and filled by being loved, so is GROOM built up and filled by having your respect. Giving that GROOM is pursuing Jesus – your respect to him is based out of love and honor, not fear or mandate. Always strive to be thankful in your attitude, encouraging in your words and affirming in your actions – speak the truth in love and build up not break down.
As I can testify, marriage is not only one of the best revealers of your heart, but is also one of the best ways to model the Gospel! Your joy and love will increase in proportion to your alignment to Jesus – seek to please Jesus and you will find yourself pleased!
Personal Vows
BRIDE and GROOM have chosen to read one another their own personal vows…
(BRIDE and GROOM read personal vows)
– Officiant: GROOM do you receive BRIDE to be your wife, to have and hold from this day forth, through all the changing experiences of life?
– GROOM: I do.
– Officiant: BRIDE do you receive GROOM to be your husband, to have and hold from this day forth, through all the changing experiences of life?
– BRIDE: I do.
Ring Ceremony
May we have the rings.
These rings are made special because of the commitment it displays, not because of the metals it contains. It is meant to remind you always of your covenant before and between God and one another. It is a circle that does not break from infinity and love. It has no beginning and no ending.
GROOM will you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger and repeat after me…
BRIDE, I give this ring to you as a sign that I choose you and as a reminder that I will always love you. Though I will fail and fall, may this ring stand as a reminder, that I will stay faithful as Jesus has been faithful to us.
BRIDE, will you place the ring on GROOM’s finger and repeat after me…
GROOM, I give this ring to you as a sign that I choose you and as a reminder that I will always love you. Though I will fail and fall, may this ring stand as a reminder, that I will stay faithful as Jesus has been faithful to us.
Insert other ceremonial rituals here, such as Foot Washing or Unity Candle.
BRIDE and GROOM, Having committed yourselves to each other in love and sealing these vows by the giving and receiving of rings and proving service to each other, by the authority of this State and by the higher authority of God’s Word, pronounce you husband and wife!
GROOM you may now kiss YOUR BRIDE!
It is my privilege to be the first to congratulate and introduce you to your family and friends as NAMES!